Returns Policy
Credits and returns will only be accepted under the following conditions:
- No goods are to be returned unless prior arrangement has been made with CATS. Goods sent to CATS without authorisation will be sent back and the Dealer will be invoiced for the freight charge.
- Freighting costs for returns are strictly for the Dealer’s account.
- Items must be returned in their original packaging to avoid a chargeable handling fee
- The original packaging must not be damaged.
- All manuals, service cards etc must still be included in the packaging
- Items returned will be inspected and tested, if the unit is used or damaged it is at CATS discretion whether or not the item will be credited. In certain circumstances only a percentage of the invoiced amount will be credited
- Serial numbers must be on the units and must be exactly the same as the original invoice.
- Serial numbers on the unit must correspond with the serial numbers on the packaging
- The unit will only be credited and accepted if it is not damaged and is unused.
- Goods may not be returned if they were damaged in TRANSIT.
- No clients’ markings may be attached to equipment for return.
- Returned items will not be accepted if serial numbers and specification plate have been removed.
- Goods requiring repair will not be accepted for credit, there is a warranty in place to deal with this problem.
- No handling fee will be levied if goods are returned within two weeks of purchase, unless the packaging is damaged or non-existent.
- A 15% handling fee will be levied if the unit is returned within one calendar month (provided that the packaging and the unit is in new condition) from date of invoice.
- CATS will not accept goods returned that are not in original packaging
- Goods may not be returned in Lieu of payment
- Goods may not be returned to CATS after 30 calendar days from date of invoice (whether in original packaging or not)
Circumstances under which you may return items
- If goods were incorrectly delivered, CATS will deliver the correct goods to you the within 2 days at our expense and collect the incorrect order. As long as the goods are returned in the original packaging and they have not been damaged by you or your courier company.
- Should you fail to comply with the above terms and conditions the item will be returned to you at your cost